.bashrc and beyond

Hello there! I figured it was time I got a technical blog up and running, so here it spawns.

I’ve always loved to write but I’ve kept most of it to myself and almost none of it has been technical so this is going to be new.

I’ll try to put up as much good content as frequently as possible, at least that’s what I’ve promised myself.

For now, I’ll just leave some links to posts I’ve written elsewhere till now.

I recently wrote a blog post for the IEEE NITK BLOG, where I wrote about some quick hacks on the terminal for Linux beginners, you can read it here.

A long time ago when I was just beginning to learn programming and was loving Web Scraping I dug around the IMDb data a bit. If you’re interested, here’s the link to that, but as you can see that didn’t go too far. I’d written a simple python module that serves as an API for some IMDb data and presents it in a neat way. It’s up on github, I’ll write a bit on that some day soon.

Hope we’ll all learn a lot in the days to come. Allons-y!